The devil finds work for idle hands

Why...? P1010975

Yep. Still messing with black and white. Still sussing out what works and what doesn’t. Still bored out of my skull with this little bit of “extra work” I’ve taken on that seems to entail not a great deal more than sitting around on my backside wondering what mischief I can get up to next! Oh… and answering the ‘phone from time to time.

Well, clearly the mischief is “Still messing with black and white. Still sussing out what works…” etc.
Hmm… time to ferret around for the camera then and speculate upon what juicy little targets are gonna present themselves for experimentation.

And the latest victim to fall foul of my evil intent is… the “goodies bag” I seem to carry around with me whenever I’m in “working with computers” mode.
Basically, a little bag stuffed full of almost completely useless bits and pieces. “Completely useless” cos most of the time I never seem to need them.

Why...? P1010973

However, on the odd occasions I do need to dive into the bag it tends to prove worth its weight in gold.

Well, the bag’s contents looked a bit sparse when I dumped ’em out onto a desk so I spiced them up a bit with a couple more odds and ends that were lurking inside the larger bag in which the “goodies bag” lives… along with a load of other computer-related rubbish.

Why...? P1010980

Its true what they say… the devil finds work for idle hands!

About fotdmike

Occasional photographer; occasional writer/blogger; occasional activist; occasional computer-geek. Bit of a fool really.
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2 Responses to The devil finds work for idle hands

  1. forkboy says:

    Spiced it up, eh? So you created what you wanted for the picture because it wasn’t there on it’s own.

    You know what I’m thinking, but I’m not going to say it…

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